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Echoes & Angels: A mission of RESOLUTION
By James Evans

Echoes & Angels are an electronic influenced alternative rock band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, constructively blending the rich, orchestral aesthetics of British prog rock, with the soulful (yet aggressive) guitar influences of American west coast grunge; all the while, stabilizing their song writing prowess with pop sensibilities and smooth, melodic vocals. However, Echoes and Angels have crafted their own unique sound that encompass far more complexities than a few meager genre comparisons. Much more than any stylistic label, it is fate, passion, necessity and resolve that define Echoes & Angels.  


Fronted by vocalist Josiah Borgos, Echoes & Angels began writing and demoing material nearly 3 years ago.  Across that span, the band were forced to spend much of their time fighting a revolving door of ill-fitting producers, massive budget constraints, and unforeseen legal matters surrounding their band name.  Yet, Echoes & Angels' resolve has been unwavering.


From Tulsa, Oklahoma, to London, Seattle, Los Angeles, and back to Tulsa again, Echoes & Angels did what was necessary to ultimately self-produce and record in their own backyard (literally), the songs that brought them together.  As lead vocalist, Josiah Borgos explained, "It was all innocent, how we got started. It was the typical, 'Hey lets jam and see what happens...' But that casual innocence changed for me pretty quickly. After just two or three songs and a couple demos, I knew we had something special and that we had no choice but to do this project; and do it to the best of our abilities."  This sentiment is extremely evident throughout the landscape of Echoes & Angels' debut album, RESOLUTION (January 29, 2016. Independent).  One listen to their conflicted single, "Volcano!" (which simultaneously expresses encouragement and pained retribution), the heartfelt, "You", or the poppy and seductive, "Hey, What's Your Name?", and we quickly learn this is no ordinary garage band from the mid-west.  This is a band with a creative well that runs deep.


Echoes & Angels' electronic arrangements, string orchestrations, and guitar layerings avoid the traps of heavy-handed modernism, and instead put such aesthetics to delicate, poignant use.  Possessing an entertaining blend of careful deliberateness and simple, yet brave lyrical perspective, it is evident through their writing and production that Echoes & Angels haven't just slapped some Arial font artwork on a few garage demos and called it good.  RESOLUTION makes clear that Echoes & Angels is a band on a mission.  What that mission might be isn't quite clear, but with songs like the ever so torn, "Let You Go", and the heavy, spell-binding, "Chariots Rising," it is very clear Echoes & Angels are focussed. Maybe, to a fault.  Sometimes RESOLUTION feels almost too perfect. Especially for their first release. But is that a bad thing?


Unfortunately, in an industry full of copycat one-offs, where these days, very little separates modern alternative bands from boy bands, Echoes & Angels' have a long road ahead if their mission has anything to do with mainstream success. Though they have a comfortably familiar presentation that occasionally throwsback to the late 1990's (i.e. "The Quiet Ones"), their debut effort has a far-reaching perspective that feels almost too creative for today's mainstream audience. Support for indies with such far-reaching perspective is very rare.  Especially the kind displayed by Echoes & Angels' rogue creativity.  Yet it only takes one concert promoter, trailblazing program director, clever record executive or forward thinking label to see the band's bigger picture and surprise us all; much like Echoes & Angels has done with RESOLUTION.  Regardless of their mission, or what lies ahead for Echoes & Angels, it is obvious listening to RESOLUTION that the band has stopped at nothing to get the job done.  And it is a job very well done.


Written by James Evans.


Echoes & Angels' debut album RESOLUTION was written, recorded, and produced by Echoes & Angels in Tulsa, OK.

Additional production, recording and performances by Brad Mitcho (Tulsa, OK).

Additional engineering and production consultation by Steve Belgrave (London, England)

Mixed and mastered by Wayne Morgan at Emerson Studio. (Raliegh, NC)

For more information about Echoes & Angels, contact the band here

Echoes & Angels

© 2024 Echoes & Angels, LLC

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